Monday, 25 June 2012

Me? Right About Pregnant People? Never...

So over 6 weeks ago, I looked at someone at church and said... preggers.

Then I looked at another girl 4 weeks ago... preggers.

And I had my suspicions about another one... because I didn't see her when I normally did. Bingo.

I am the pregnancy predictor. That's right. Walk past me, and I'll know you're knocked up, maybe even before you do.

What can I say? When God gave out gifts, he gave me the "predict the pregnant woman" gift.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

The President Hacked My Email

I found out why I had blogger but no email. The President was in town, and the only email that anyone I knew had was working was my uni one.

That's right, the President blocked all our emails.

I didn't see him. I did see his car. Actually, I saw all of them. I lost count how many cars.

He has left Mbale, and so we now have (slow) internet and (slow) email.

Seriously, could my life be any funnier?

Friday, 15 June 2012

Arrived Safe in Uganda

Hi All, I have arrived safely in Uganda. I'm having a bit of trouble getting on my email, but hopefully I will be able to soon, and I will be able to give you all some updates. But for now, just know that I am safe and doing well.

Please continue to pray for me.


Saturday, 9 June 2012

See, I do think about these things

I recently bought a new skirt at an op shop - a beautiful dark red. I didn't have any head coverings to wear with it, but I soon found one at Target. And being on placement (makes Sam sad), I get to wear whatever I want. (Except the studd I'm taking to Uganda. That I can't).

So I wear that.

Anyway, I went to Touching Heaven wearing it.

Shaun looked at me. "You have a red skirt on."

"Yes." I said.

"And a red hat."


"Where is your red shirt?" he asked.

I informed him that you could NOT wear a red shirt with a red skirt and red hat. You needed a neutral colour in between. So I was wearing a black skivvy.

He thought for a second. "The least you could have done was wear red lipstick," said the indignant boy.

"I am."

He looked at me again, said "So you are," and went off.

Saturday, 2 June 2012


For the lack of posting. What can I say? Working full time and studying full time while serving in church and prepping to go to Uganda makes me boring. I haven't even practised the harp, or worked on Luganda. That's right, I'm lazy. Or I would be, if I wasn't too busy fitting uni assignments into my work day.

Anyways, I will hopefully post a post on the PA celtic festival, and maybe about the one funny thing that's happened, sometime soon. But no guarentees...