Wednesday, 25 April 2007

WFMW - Preparation for the Cold Season

Here are two tips that will keep the pain of the common cold at bay!

1. When you go to bed, put Vaseline between your nose and your mouth. Yes, I know it feels gross. But what it won't feel is sore in a few days once you've blown your nose 500 times.
2. If your throat is sore, gargle with a cup of apple cider vinegar. Again, I know this is gross, but you are going to do it if you want relief from that sore throat. Make it better with a teaspoon of honey at the end of it.

That's it from me for now. Check out other Works for Me Wednesday posts at Rocks in My Dryer.


Aubrey said...

I'm also a big fan of various kinds of chapstick on my nose when I've been blowing it a lot. Especially the ones like blistex or carmex. I often have chapstick nearby in the winter, but I'm not sure I actually own any vaseline.

Sam-Is-Mad said...

I find vaseline is better. Firstly, it's cheaper, which is always nice. It's easier to apply. Finally, it works better. Chapstick was designed for your lips. Vaseline was made with multiple things in mind (such as nappy rash) so it works better on raw skin.