Sunday, 18 March 2012

My Family Are Nuts

My family has a very limited set of names to choose from. I'm Sam, my sister is Julie, brothers John and Robert. Dad is Robin, Mum is Shirley.

I have a uncle Robert. And a uncle John. And a great uncle Bob. And cousins John and Robert.

And family friends uncle Robert. Times 2. And family friends our age, called John, Robert, and Elizabeth (my middle name).

So you'd think when it comes to significant others, we'd choose something different. Think again.

My ex is Robbie.

Julie's boyfriend is also Robert.

John's girlfriend is Sammie.

My cousin Andrew is living with us at the moment. His girlfriend is also Sammie.

At least Robert bucked the trend. His girlfriend is called Rachel.

Except her middle name is May. The same as Mum's.

Confusing much?

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