I got a bike for Christmas! Well, sort of. I got it after Christmas, from my family, for typing up book titles for Mum.
So I rode home from my mum's (5km), and crashed into a fire hydrant, taking off the edge of ne of the pedals. Then I crashed into a fence.
So the next day I attempted to ride my bike to work. It's only 8.5km. I got 1km, then the pedal (not the one I crashed before) came off. I pushed it home, then caught the bus. My brother fixed the bike that evening.
The next day, I rode to work. Let me just say, Burke road has a lot of hills between my house and Kew. And that bike riding on a day when the temperature is 38 degrees is a bit of work.
You see, I haven't ridden a bike - a real bike - since I was 8 years old. I still expect to be able to break by pedalling backwards. And you have to balance (what's with THAT?), which you so don't have to do in a spin class.
In other news, on Sunday night I had an episode of "Sam is a terrible individual" thinking. Convinced I am the worst person in the whole, entire world, along with being mean, horrible, not at all intelligent and more than averagely bad-looking. Until about 3:30 in the morning.
Yeah, that sucked. I'm still not convinced that this isn't the case, but at least now I'm not crying about it.
And no, I have no idea what happened. There is no known reason for said episode. I have not done anything mean or horrible, I have not become uglier, and I assume my intelligence level has remained more or less the same.
On the bright side, when I woke up, I ran my usual 4.25km run in my best time ever - 22.44mins. So I guess even mild hysterics over my complete failure of myself as a decent human being has its upsides - faster running.
And now, as a result of personal training and a ABT class done right afterwards, my muscles are sore. Two days later. Whatever. I'm still going boxing tonight.
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