Thursday 7 June 2007


I stayed at Rebeeca's on Tuesday night due to the prayer meeting. Lots of funny conversation (only some of which I'll post) including this incident.

Rebecca, Kallie and Elaine can now call themselves plumbers - they took out hte pipe connecting the sink to the sewerage system and cleaned it. I suggested that they use bi-carb and vinegar once a week to help keep it clean.

Kallie: It's a chemical reaction

Rebecca: You mean the volcano experiment. Cool! We get to do the volcano experiment once a week!

Kallie: We should put in red food dye. So it looks like lava.

Rebecca: No, blue. So it looks like water.

Me: You need to do it about once a week. You can do both.


Anonymous said...

Samurai! Guess who this is? Yes, it's your friendly neighbourhood stalker who doesn't actually live in your neighbourhood. Hmm... interesting convo you must have been having. That Kallie person sounds really cool (now if that doesn't give away who I am what will???)

Anyway, I should get ready for caregroup but expect many more random comments in the future. Oh yes, I need to advertise stuff before I leave because I can. Firstly, I have an art page at and it's pretty shoddy stuff and very self-pitying blah but who cares, I want people to visit my stuff! Maybe I'll make a pic of you. Oh, and if you go to the Hawthorne Heights myspace (they're emo so you'll probably hate me for posting this mwahahaha) they let you listen to a cool new song of theirs. It is cool. I love them *hugs them but hugs Mew more*

Hehehe. Anyway. Au revoir.

Lots of love from someone strange.

Sam-Is-Mad said...

That Kallie person DOES sound cool, but no one is as cool as Sam-Is-Mad.

Anonymous said...

did rebecca gurgle? is she pretty? can i hav her number or emaiL?