Monday 16 July 2007

Reasons For Different Houses

Reasons I Like to Stay at My House:
- I can read all my own books
- I can take really long showers and not worry that I'm using all of the hot water
- My bed is what I am used to
- My heater is toasty warm
- My computer has all of my favourites stored so I can easily visit all my favourite blogs
- I always have forgotten something that is useful when I go anywhere. At my house I have everything I need.
- It's nice to be by myself

Reasons I Like to Stay at the Girl's Ministry House (aka Rebecca's, Kalllie's, or Elaine's):
- I can read all of Elaine's books. She has some interesting books
- I can read all of Rebecca's books. She has some interesting books
- I get to annoy Rebecca and Kallie and Winter until they get tired and go to bed
- When Elaine comes home at three in the morning, and sees me sitting up reading, she asks "When did you get here?" I reply "About two days ago"
- They keep on feeding me. "They" includes the guys from the guys ministry house, who keep on bringing over such nutritious snacks as Krispy Kremes and Tim-Tam Smoothies
- It's nice to be with other people

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