Sunday 31 December 2006

Mary Kay

Recently I joined Mary Kay, and yesterday I started scheduling facials with some of my friends. I'm a bit nervous because it is all very new, but it should be fun. And hopefully I will make a nice sum of money from doing it (because money is a pleasant thing to have, and an even more pleasant thing to spend).

Aside from that, things are pretty slow here. I'm busy contacting builders to knock down my house and build units, and I'm clearing out some of my useless stuff before I move. I'm also busily reading, because I'm hundreds of books behind where I want to be. Now that I have had some time 'off' I've been able to make some progress.

Also, posting will be sporadic for the next week, as I'm going to my mum's house and their internet is very sick. So while I may be able to post once or twice, don't expect to hear much from me until next Saturday or Sunday!

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