Wednesday 5 December 2007

Marriage Season

Clearly it is marriage season at the moment. Everyone is getting married. Well, everyone except me... (plus a few others - Rebecca and Kallie and Claire and Winnie and well... more people than are actually getting married).

Some of you might have noticed it in the prayer requests. But I have:

- Steph and T - and I'm going to be a BRIDESMAID.
- David and Kaye
- Ruth and Phil
and now: Corina and Justin (a post or two on their engagement party in a few days I hope!)

Plus Winnie's brother is getting married, and her cousin, and Christian's friend, and another friend's brother is "thinking about it".

Plus Corina's older sister got married on Saturday! I wasn't able to go to the wedding due to having both work and a hen's night at the same time, but as I don't actually know Corina's sister (or the groom) I only felt a little bad.

So, my question is... who's going to be next?

And is it gossip to speculate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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