Tuesday 9 January 2007

Moping About

At the moment I'm just moping about, not doing anything. And I don't WANT to do anything. I just want to vege. Which is very lazy of me, I know. But I did get a fair amount done yesterday (I finished a scarf, mended my jeans, got a haircut, paid a bill, went shopping, went to two libraries, read a book (The Printer's Devil - Awful), watched a whole lot of DVDs, sorted through my finance folder and a few of my other papers) so I'm taking this morning slowly. Although I do still have a goal list of stuff I want to achieve. Hopefully I'll get all of it done and then some, because I feel as though no matter how mch I get done there is always a whole lot more just waiting for me to sort out.

So I'm going to spend a little time on the internet, and then it's back off to a library (one of the ones I visited yesterday - as 21 items came through for me in less than 2 days, and I can only have 15 items on my card in total, and I already had four books out, I need to go down at least twice - most likely 3 times) and then to generally slob about all day hopefully getting stuff done.

The book I'm reading for today is The Ember's of Heaven. So far it is infinitely inferior to the other book by the same author The Secrets of the Jin-Shei. Hopefully it will pick up, but I'm halfway through so I'm not holding my breath.

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