Monday 9 June 2008

My List As Long As My Arm

- Bible Study
- Wash hair (no longer an arduous task since it's short)
- Listen to 2 audio sermons + decorate pick-up sticks
- Over to Rebecca's to watch a DVD + knit
- Shepherding (?) with Amy and Rebecca (scary - two people :P )
- Paint more pick-up sticks (I need 6000)
- Scrapbooking (birthday cards, kid's artwork)
- Listen to 3 CDs
- 4 different learning stories
- Turn a learning story into a PSB
- Read play scripts + write MC questions
- Accent Planning (only 2 weeks left)
- Cut out penguin rocks
- Shopping to buy plastic boxes, scrapbooking sleeves, and rocks to glue penguins on
- Pray for BTF (especially as I can't make the special prayer meeting)
- Memorise puppetry script
- Plan science activities for kinder

Who thinks I'm going to get more than 3 things done?

I'll let you know tonight / tomorrow. Who said anything about having a day off? At least I had a sleep in.

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