Tuesday 20 May 2008

My Aphid Babies

Speaking of aphids, did you all notice my little aphid babies at the KFC Mothers' Day Concert. You know the ones I mean. The four blondes. Yes, us blondes are multiplying. There are now 6 of us, all girls.

And, I'd just like to say, they are EXACTLY like me. At the rehersal all five of us were dancing around, doing flips and cartwheels etc. I thought it was great. I also think that we tried Eleanor's patience.

That is why they are my little Aphid babies. Because apparently aphids reproduce by cloning themselves.


Anonymous said...

Poor Eleanor. Poor poor Eleanor. Poor poor poor Eleanor. There. I think I have sufficiently expressed my hearfelt sympathy for Eleanor. And now that I have caught up on your blog, and finally made comments!, I can go back to studying. I'll see you on Thursday Sam

Sam-Is-Mad said...

Hey, she just needs to contextualize.

To hyperactive blondes in varying states of physically uprightness.

I'd promise not to corrupt them any more, but I have KFC this week, so I'm just going to break that promise, and in all likelyhood, VERY VERY SOON.